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Workflow Generator Wizard

Workflow Editor can be used not only as an organizing document for flow design, but also to automatically create a template for workflow processing. Launch the Workflow Generator Wizard in one of the following ways:

  • Click the "Generate Workflow" button at the top of the screen
  • Right-click in the Workflow Editor canvas - Click on the "Generate Workflow" menu

Step 1. Target node/Component selection

The Workflow Generator Wizard creates a workflow button for the UI set in the "UI" property of node. Step 1 is to select the target node. Checking the box ON is the selection. Click the "Continue" button to move to Step 2. Override the UI of the selected node and define components such as buttons.

Status listThe status is displayed in a list format.
CRUDCRUD can be turned ON/OFF.
CRUD ON: In addition to WF, CRUD tables and actions will be generated.
CRUD OFF: Only WF will be generated.
Target UISelect where to create the detailed display UI.
ComponentSelect the component to be used when creating the table.

Step 2. Data list columns selection

Among the components that make up the workflow, select the columns to be displayed in the data list.

Step 3. Database Selection


In step 3, select the database to which the workflow application will connect. The database name selected here will be entered as an argument for the built-in function in the action written on the button. The database must have a built-in table for the workflow. If the built-in table does not exist in the selected database, the built-in table will also be generated.

Creates a table with the specified table name in the selected database.

Also select what to do about existing tables, excluded columns, and primary keys.

DatabaseDatabase of the selected execution environment
Table NameSelect tables included in the selected databaseTo create a new table, enter the new table name in the Table Name field and click the option labeled 「Add "Table Name"」.
Existing tables
  • Delete and Create
  • Update
  • If you select "Delete and Create", the existing table will be deleted and a new table will be created, so we recommend that you back up the table.
  • If you select "Update", the existing table will be updated with the added/updated columns.
  • Primary key columnAuto-create (ID)Select
  • If you select “Auto create (ID)”, the following columns will be created as the primary key.
  • ConstraintsColumn NameData Type
  • If you select “Select”, select the component to be used as the primary key in the “Primary Key Component” field.
  • Primary Key ComponentList of component IDs selected in step 1 and for which primary keys can be setCreate a table with the column of the selected parts as the primary key.The following components can be used as primary keys:
  • Text input
  • Number input
  • High precision number
  • Select box
  • Combo box
  • Click the [Continue] button to move to step 3.

    Step 4. Select an option

    Set whether to specify the database name directly in the SQL statement to be created.

    Also, select whether to support action definition.

    Assign a DB name to the SQL function to be generatedONOFF• When ON, the generated SQL will specify a database name for objects.
    • When OFF, it is assumed that an existing database will be used, and the generated SQL will not specify a database name for objects.
    ActionOverwrite existing codeComment out and append to existing code• If you select "Overwrite existing code", all of your action descriptions will be overwritten.
    • If you select "Comment out and append to existing code", blocks of existing code will be commented out as shown below, and the new code will be added above the existing commented out blocks of code.
    [Image of action code]

    new code1
    new code2
    new code3

     //old code1
    //old code2//
    old code3

    Output result

    UI Editor

    UIComponent or UIIDLabelDisplay or action
    User-created form UIText inputcase_idCASE IDDisplay case ID data
    Text InputstatusSTATUSView the current status
    Button{OperationID}{Operation Label}Press the button to perform the operation
    List_{FormUI’sID}UIList_{FormUI’sID}List_{FormUI’s ID}Displays a list of data.
    Datagriddata_listDisplay the data list in a data grid.
    Datagrid Columncase_idCASE_IDThe case ID will be displayed, and when you press it, you will be redirected to the details screen.
    Datagrid Column{FormUI’s ComponentID}{FormUI’s ComponentLabel}The columns you selected in step 2 to display will be created.


    After you have completed all the steps, a table will be created according to the components you selected.
    The column name will be the component ID.
    The column data type and size will vary depending on the component, as shown in the table below.

    ComponentData TypeMD
    Text FieldVARCHAR100
    Text AreaVARCHAR1000
    Number FieldDECIMAL103
    Big NumberBIGINT
    Select FieldVARCHAR100
    Combo BoxVARCHAR100
    Radio ButtonTINYINT
    Radio GroupVARCHAR100
    Checkbox GroupVARCHAR100
    Date PickerVARCHAR100
    Time PickerVARCHAR100
    Date Time PickerVARCHAR100
    Data GridTEXT

    Create WF with Execute Previous History

    After creating a workflow, you can recreate it with the wizard settings from the previous time it was created.

    1. Click the [Execute Previous History] icon in the upper right.

    Clear previous settings

    You can clear the settings in the wizard when you created the workflow.  

    1. Click the [Clear History] icon in the upper right.