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Identity Provider

Users can be managed by an external system, authenticated by the external system, and the results can then be used as authentication for WebPerformer-NX. This external authentication linkage allows you to use the user management and authentication mechanisms you already have in place.

External Authentication Intergration Flow

The procedure for external authentication linkage in WebPerformer-NX applications is as follows

  1. Click "IdP" at the top of the User Manager screen.
  2. Click "Vertical Three-Point Reader" at the upper right of the IdP list, confirm the Single Sign-On URL and Audience URI, and set them to the external IdP.
Setup for OktaSetup for Azure AD
Single Sign-In URLEnglish:Single Sign on URL
Japanese:シングルサインオン URL
English:Reply URL (Assertion Consumer URL)
Japanese:応答 URL
Audience URIEnglish:Audience URI
Japanese:オーディエンス URI
English:Identifier (Entity ID)
  1. Retrieve SAML metadata documents from external IdPs.
    • For Azure AD
    1. open the single sign-on page of the application you are creating

    2. click the "Federation Metadata XML" download link for the SAML certificate

    3. save the downloaded XML file

    • In case of Okta
    1. Open the SignOn tab of the application you are creating.
    2. Click Actions under SAML Signing Certificates.
    3. Click on View IdP metadata.
    4. An xml file will open in a new window. Right click on the browser and click "Save As" to save the file.
  2. Register the Identity Provider.
  3. Place a push button from the component list as a button for external authentication on the sign-in screen (Sign In ID) of the authentication UI.
  4. Open the properties screen of the button for external authentication placed in step 5, and set the following
    1. Select "IdP" from Click Event.
    2. Enter the name of the identity provider registered in step 4 in the "IdP" field.
  5. Save the sign-in screen (Sign In ID) of the authentication UI.

Identity Provider Registration

  1. Click the Create button in the upper right corner of the screen.
  2. Enter the Identity Provider information.
Certification StandardRequiredSelect the authentication method "SAML".
Identity Provider NameRequiredUse any name except single-byte spaces, underscores, and commas. The maximum number of characters is 32.
MetadataRequiredUpload metadata documents obtained from external IdP.
Attribute MappingRequiredSet up a mapping between user attributes and SAML attributes.

User AttributeSAML AttributeRequired
Email(Enter SAML attribute name)
Name(Enter SAML attribute name)
custom:custom_01(Enter SAML attribute name)
custom:custom_02(Enter SAML attribute name)
custom:custom_03(Enter SAML attribute name)
custom:custom_04(Enter SAML attribute name)
custom:custom_05(Enter SAML attribute name)
custom:custom_06(Enter SAML attribute name)
custom:custom_07(Enter SAML attribute name)
custom:custom_08(Enter SAML attribute name)
custom:custom_09(Enter SAML attribute name)
custom:custom_10(Enter SAML attribute name)

Be sure to map the SAML attribute that maps to the user attribute "email" to the attribute that has the email information registered.
  1. Click the "Add" button.
  2. The added identity provider will appear in the IdP list.

IdP List

Identity providers registered in User Manager are listed. The meaning of each item is as follows.

Identity ProviderA name that identifies the identity provider.
Certification StandardsDisplays selected Certification Standards.
UpdatedDisplays the date and time the identity provider was updated in local time.
CreatedDisplays the date and time the identity provider was created in local time.

Operation Menu

Click on the "Vertical Triple Point Reader" to the right of each record in the IdP list to open the "Menu". The description of each menu is as follows

EditIdentity Provider - Edit dialog opens to update identity provider information.
DeleteDelete the Identity Provider.