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UI Permission

In addition to authentication, applications can have permissions set for the UI and components.
UI and components with permission settings can be access-controlled or displayed or hidden according to the group to which the user belongs. For more information, see Permissions and Access together.

Dialog Activation

  1. Select a canvas or component and right-click to open a context menu.
  2. Select "Permissions" from the context menu.
  3. A permissions dialog will be launched.

Configuration and Operation

The Canvas Permissions dialog is an access control for the UI. Depending on the settings, users may or may not have access to the UI.
The Component Permissions dialog is a show/hide control for components.


Set User Manager Group in the permissions dialog.
Users in the group are allowed UI access and component viewing.
To set multiple accessible group names, enter them separated by commas.
If multiple group names are set, they are treated as a set of groups (OR). Group name matches are case-sensitive.

Global Group

The Permissions dialog is already populated with the Global group as the default value.
The Global group contains all valid users managed by the User Manager. The service automatically creates a Global group in the execution environment.
Please note that the default setting, which includes the Global group, is always accessible to everyone.