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Form Application Creation

Create a form application that allows you to save and browse data from the UI.
After completing the steps of the wizard, create the UI definitions and data storage tables that will configure the application.


First, create the form UI. Any component can be placed. However, only input category components can register data excluding file components.

Start wizard

  1. Select the canvas and right-click to open the context menu.
  2. Select [CRUD] - [Start wizard] from the context menu.
  3. A wizard dialog will appear and you should follow the instructions.

Steps Explanation

The wizard consists of 4 steps. Each step is described below.

Step 1. Component Selection

Among the components that make up the form, select the component that saves data in the table. The component selected here determines the table configuration and the action details of the component.

Step 2. Data List Column Selection

Select the columns to be displayed in the data list from the components that make up the form.

Step 3. Database Selection

Enter the destination database selection and table name where the form entries will be saved as records. Creates a table with the specified table name for the selected database. Also, select the response for existing tables, non-target columns, and primary keys.

DatabaseDatabase of the currently selected execution environment
Table NameSelection of tables contained in the selected databaseTo create a new table, enter a new table name in the Table Name field and click on the option labeled “Add Table Name”.
Existing Table- Delete and create
- Update
If you select [Delete and create], the existing table will be deleted and a new table will be created, so we recommend that you back up the table.
If you select “Update”, added/updated columns will be updated for the existing table.
Excluded columns- Leave it as it is
- Delete
If you select “Leave it as it is”, table columns that are not included in the component selection in Step 1 will remain.
If you select “Delete”, table columns not included in the component selection in Step 1 will be deleted.
Primary key column- Auto Create (ID)
- Selection
When “Auto Create (ID)” is selected, the following columns are created as primary keys.
ConstraintsColumn NameData typeSupplement
PK/AIIDINT8-digit zero padding with LPAD function

If you select “Select”, select the component to be the primary key in the “Primary key component” item.
Primary Key ComponentsList of component IDs that have been selected in Step 1 and for which a primary key can be setCreate a table with the columns of the selected components as primary keys.
Components for which primary keys can be set are as follows.
- Text input
- Numeric input
- High-precision numerical value
- Select box
- Combo box

Step 4. Select Options

Specifies whether or not the database name is directly specified in the SQL statement to be created; Also select the response to the action definition.

Assign DB name to the SQL function to be generated- ON
- If ON, the generated SQL specifies the database name for the object.
- If OFF, the generated SQL does not specify a database name for the object, assuming that an existing database is used.
Action- Overwrite existing code
- Comment out and add existing code
- If “Overwrite existing code” is selected, all action descriptions will be overwritten.
- If you select “Comment out and add existing code,” the existing block of code will be commented out as shown below, and the new code will be added on top of the commented out block of existing code.
[Image of Action Code]
new code1
new code2
new code3

// old code1
// old code2

// old code3


UI Editor

After going through and completing all the steps, the following components and UI will be the output.

UIComponent or UIIDLabelDisplay or Operation
User Created Form UITypographydisplay_idDisplay the Primary Key Data
Buttonsave_generatedSAVERegister the form contents in a table.
Buttonupdate_generatedUPDATEUpdate form contents to table.
Buttondelete_generatedDELETEDelete form content.
Buttonback_generatedBACKDisplay UI to browse data list.
List_{Form UI ID}UIList_{Form UI ID}List_{Form UI ID}Display a list of data.
Buttonnew_recordNEW RECORDTransition to the UI for registering new data.
Data Griddata_listThe data list is displayed in a data grid.
Data Grid ColumnSELECT_ITEMWhen you press the button, you will be taken to the editing UI.
Data Grid ColumnIDIDIn step 3, [Primary Key Column: Auto Create (ID)] is selected, it will be created.
Data Grid Column{Form UI Component ID}{Form UI Component Label}The columns to be displayed selected in step 2 will be created.
ComponentData Grid Column Type
Text FieldText Input
Text AreaText Input
Number FieldText Input
Big NumberText Input
Search FieldText Input
PasswordText Input
Combo BoxCombo box
Radio ButtonCheckbox
Radio GroupText Input
Checkbox GroupText Input
SliderText Input
SpreadsheetText Input
Date PickerDate Picker
Time PickerText Input
Date Time PickerText Input
Data GridText Input


After going through and completing all the steps, create the tables according to the selected components. The column name is the ID of the component as it is. The data types and sizes of the columns are as shown in the table below, depending on the component.

ComponentData TypeMD
Text FieldVARCHAR100
Text AreaVARCHAR1000
Number FieldDECIMAL103
Big NumberBIGINT
Search FieldVARCHAR100
Combo BoxVARCHAR100
Radio ButtonTINYINT
Radio Button GroupVARCHAR100
Checkbox GroupVARCHAR100
Date PickerVARCHAR100
Time PickerVARCHAR100
Date Time PickerVARCHAR100
Data GridTEXT

Create form application with previous contents

After creating a form application, you can re-create it with the wizard settings from the previous creation.

  1. Select the canvas and right-click to open the context menu.
  2. Select [CRUD] - [Execute Previous]from the context menu

Clear previous settings

You can clear the settings of the wizard when you create a form application.

  1. Select the canvas and right-click to open the context menu
  2. From the context menu, select[CRUD] - [Clear History].