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UI Editor

The editor has a layout view and a text view, and the views can be switched.
Layout view is the canvas mode of the UI editor, and text view is the table mode of the UI editor.
Each view is described below.

Layout View

Use the editor to create the UI layout. When the UI is opened, the canvas area is displayed.
Layout is done by placing web components, such as text fields etc. called components, on the canvas using the mouse.
For the appearance and behavior of a component, set the component’s property

Component Placement

Drag the component in the left panel to the canvas with the mouse. Can be dropped anywhere.

Component Selection

Click on a component to select it.

Component Movement

Selected components can be moved by dragging. Use the cursor keys to move by 1px.

Component Resize

Components can be selected and then resized with the mouse. It is also possible to set the Width/Height from the property


You can copy components from the context menu or from shortcuts.

Component Deletion

Components can be deleted from the context menu or with the Delete key.

Component Arrangement

Since components can be placed freely on the canvas, they may overlap each other. The overlap position between components can be changed from the context menu.

Bring Forward

Moves the target component forward by one.

Bring to Front

Brings the target component to the front.

Send Backward

Moves the target component one step to the back.

Send to Back

Moves the target component to the back.

Text View

Text view is the table mode of the UI editor.
You can browse components placed in the UI editor in a list format, edit properties, and delete components.
The list format displays the following items

IDDisplays the component ID.
LabelDisplays the component label.
WidthDisplays the component width.
HeightDisplays the component height.
XDisplays the X coordinate of the component placement position.
YDisplays the Y coordinate of the component placement position.
Edit MenuComponent properties can be edited.
Delete MenuComponent can be deleted.