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Tree View


The file manager initially has "Root" as the top hierarchy. "Root" corresponds to "/" as a path. You can upload files to "Root", but you can also create a folder under it and upload files to that folder. To create a folder, there is a right menu under "Root" from which you click on the "New" menu. Once the folder is created, there is a right menu on the folder from which the following menu contents can be implemented.

NewCreate a new folder
Change NameRename the folder.
DeleteDelete Deletes a folder. Files stored in the folder and folders under the folder are also deleted.
UploadFileUploads a file.
This works the same as the "+Add" button at the top of the central area.
FolderUpload files by folder.
DownloadDownload the archived zip file of the folder to the client.


This section describes how to manage files with the File Manager.


There are three steps to uploading a file. Upload your file by following one of the steps below.

Uploading single or multiple files

  1. Select the target folder in the tree on the left.
  2. Click the "+Add" button at the top of the central area or the folder’s context menu "Upload" > "File".
  3. Select the client file.
  4. The file will be uploaded.

When uploading files by folder

  1. Select the destination folder in the tree on the left.
  2. Click on the context menu "Upload" > "Folder" of the destination folder.
  3. Select the client’s folder.
  4. The files are uploaded by folder.

When uploading by drag & drop

  1. In the tree on the left, select the folder to upload to.
  2. Drag and drop files or folders from the client to the central area.
  3. The file or folder will be uploaded.


There are three steps to downloading a file. Please follow one of the steps to download the file.

To download a single file

  1. Select a file.
  2. Click the "Download" icon.
  3. The file will be downloaded.

To download multiple files from a single folder

  1. Select multiple files while holding down the Ctrl or Shift key.
  2. Click the "Download" icon at the top of the central area.
  3. The file is archived into a format that includes the download date ( and downloaded to the client.

To download files by folder

  1. Select the folder to download in the tree on the left.
  2. Click on the folder’s context menu "Download".
  3. A zip (.zip) file archiving the folder will be downloaded.


To delete a file uploaded to the File Manager, follow these steps:

  1. Select the file.
  2. Click on the "Delete" icon.
  3. The file will be deleted.

Copy Path

Click the "Copy Path" button to copy the path to the clickboard. If a file is selected, it is the path to the file; if a folder is selected, it is the path to the folder.

Insert Path

When accessed from a component that uses a file manager to select a path, such as an image in a UI component, the Insert Path button will appear. Clicking this button will automatically set the path.