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List View

Function Button

The function buttons are located in the upper right corner of the list view. These buttons perform the following operations on folders and files.

Create FolderCreate a new folder.
Navigate to the folder path where you wish to create a new folder and click the “Create Folder” button.
File UploadUpload a file.
Navigate to the folder path where you wish to upload the file and click the “File Upload” button.
Folder UploadUpload a folder.
Navigate to the folder path you wish to upload and click the “Folder Upload”button.
RenameUpload a folder.
Select the object you want to rename and click the“Rename” button.
Copy PathCopies the path of an object to the click board.
Select the object and click the “Copy Path” button.
Copy toCopy selected objects.
Select the object and click the “Copy to” button to display a dialog box for selecting the copy destination.
Move toMoves the selected object.
Select the object and click the “Move to” button to display a dialog box to select the destination.
DeleteDelete selected objects.
Select an object and click the "Delete" button.
If a folder is selected, files stored in that folder and the folders under it will also be deleted.
DownloadDownload the selected objects.
Select an object and click the “Download” button.


The file manager initially has “Root” as the top level. “Root” corresponds to the path ‘/’. You can upload files to “Root”, but you can also create folders under it and upload files to them.


This section describes how to manage files with the File Manager.


There are three steps to uploading a file. Upload your file by following one of the steps below.

Uploading single or multiple files

  1. Go to the target folder of the upload destination.
  2. Click the function button "File Upload".
  3. Select the client file.
  4. The file will be uploaded.

When uploading files by folder

  1. Go to the target folder of the upload destination.
  2. Click the function button "Folder Upload".
  3. Select the client’s folder.
  4. The files are uploaded by folder.

When uploading by drag & drop

  1. Go to the target folder of the upload destination.
  2. Drag and drop files or folders from the client to the central area.
  3. The file or folder will be uploaded.
LimitFree Execution EnvironmentPremium Execution Environment
Object upper limit (*)1001000
Size upper limit50MB500MB


There are three steps to downloading a file. Please follow one of the steps to download the file.

To download a single file

  1. Select a file.
  2. Click the "Download" function button.
  3. The file will be downloaded.

To download multiple files from a single folder

  1. Select multiple files.
  2. Click the function button "Download".
  3. The archived zip file will be downloaded to the client.

To download files by folder

  1. Select the folder to download.
  2. Click the function button "Download".
  3. A zip file archiving the folder will be downloaded.
LimitFree Execution EnvironmentPremium Execution Environment
Object upper limit (*)1001000
Size upper limit50MB500MB


To delete a file uploaded to the File Manager, follow these steps:

  1. Select the file or files.
  2. Click on the "Delete" function button.
  3. The selected folder or file will be deleted.
LimitFree Execution EnvironmentPremium Execution Environment
Object upper limit (*)1001000
Size upper limit50MB500MB


To copy a file or files uploaded to the File Manager, do the following

  1. Select the file or files.
  2. Click on the “Copy” function button.
  3. In the dialog that appears, specify the destination folder.
  4. The selected folder or file will be copied.
LimitFree Execution EnvironmentPremium Execution Environment
Object upper limit (*)1001000
Size upper limit50MB500MB


To move a file or files uploaded to the File Manager, do the following

  1. Select the file or files.
  2. Click on the "Move" function button.
  3. In the dialog that appears, specify the destination folder.
  4. The selected folder or file will be moved.
LimitFree Execution EnvironmentPremium Execution Environment
Object upper limit (*)1001000
Size upper limit50MB500MB

Copy Path

Click the function button "Copy Path" to copy the path to the click board. If a file is selected, it will be the path to the file; if a folder is selected, it will be the path to the folder.

Insert Path

When accessed from a component that uses a file manager to select a path, such as an image of a UI component, the path is automatically set when the file is selected and the function button "Insert Path" is clicked.