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Go to "Side menu""Config and Monitoring""Sharing" to view the sharing settings.

Allowing other users to operate their own execution environment is called sharing the execution environment. To share the execution environment, please make a request to us, and after we confirm the request, we will configure the sharing settings.

Request sharing of the execution environment in the following ways:

  1. Click on the "Sharing" menu in the Run Environment Monitoring screen.
  2. Click the "Add" link in the "Shared Users" menu.
  3. Enter the name and e-mail address of the user you wish to share with.
  4. After entering all user information you wish to apply for, click the "Submit" button.

Request to release the sharing of the execution environment by the following method.

  1. Click the "Sharing" menu in the Execution Environment Monitoring screen.
  2. Click "Remove Request" from the context menu for the user listed in the "Shared Users" list.
  3. When an alert dialog box appears, click the "Delete" button.