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IP Filtering

Go to "Side Menu""Config and Monitoring""Security".

You can restrict the client IPs that can access the application deployed in the execution environment. IP filtering is performed in a white list fashion. An accessible IP address can be specified in the following way, and the sum of the specified contents will be the accessible IP address.

  • Allowed countries
  • Allowed global IPs (IPv4/Ipv6)

Setup procedure

  1. Click on the "Security" menu in the Execution Environment Monitoring screen.
  2. Click the “ADD” link under "WHITELIST IP - FILTERS & POLICY".
  3. A dialog box will appear, in which you can directly specify the application ID, country, or IP address of the IP address target.
  4. Click the "ADD" button in the dialog.
  5. Click the "SAVE" button.

Setting example

The following is an example of IP filtering settings.

App IDCountryIPv4IPv6
App_001Japan, India36.3.80.0/20
App_003Japan, India36.3.80.0/202620:0000:02d0:0200:0000:0000:0000:0000/64
United States

In case of application "App_001"

  • Access is possible when the access source is IPv4 from “”.
  • Access is possible when the access source is IPv6 and the access is from Japan or India.
  • Access is not possible if the accessing source is not from Japan or India (e.g., the U.S.).

In the case of "App_002"

  • Access is possible only from “” with IPv4 as the access source

In the case of "App_003"

  • Access is possible when the access source is IPv4 and the access is from “”.
  • Access possible if the access source is IPv6 and the access source is “2620:0000:02d0:0200:0000:0000:0000:0000:0000/64”.
  • Access is available from Japan or India, except for the specified IP address.

When the application is not "App_001", "App_002", "App_003"

  • Access is possible if the accessing source is from the U.S.
  • Access is disabled if the accessing source is not from the U.S. (e.g., Japan, India).