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Sender's email address and domain

This is the configuration page for mail validation of “fromAddress” set in the built-in function $fn.sendMail. Find it by going to “Side Menu”“Config and Monitoring” - "Sender's email address and domain".

Sender’s email address registration

  1. Click the "Add" button.
  2. Select the type as “EMAIL ADDRESS”.
  3. Enter the sender’s e-mail address information.
EMAIL ADDRESSrequiredField to enter the email address to be verified
  1. Click the "Send Verification Email" button.
  2. You will receive an email from AWS SES to the email address you specified.
    Click on the link in that email and it will be verified.
  3. Confirm that the verification status of the registered address in the list of sender e-mail addresses is "Success".

Sender’s domain registration

  1. Click the "Add" button.
  2. Select the type as "DOMAIN BASED".
  3. Enter the sender’s domain information.
DomainrequiredField to enter the domain to be verified
  1. Click the "DNS RECORD ISSUANCE" button.
  2. Confirm that the verification status of the registered domain is "Pending" in the list of sender e-mail address.
  3. Confirm the DNS record issued by Amazon SES from the context menu "Info".
  4. Register three CNAME values on the domain side.
    Set "Name" for the record name and "Numeric Value" for the value.
  5. Confirm that the verification status of the registered domain in the list of sender e-mail address is "Success".
_dmarc.[Domain name to be used].TXT“v=DMARC1;p=none;rua=mailto:my_dmarc_report@[domain name to use]”

List of sender’s email address and domains

Email address or domainEmail address or domain to be used for the sender
TypeRegistration Type :
  • Email Address
  • Domain
Verification StatusEmail address verification status
- Success(If verified)
- Failed(In case of verification failure)
- Pending(If pending)
- TemporaryFailed(If there is a temporary outage)
- NotStarted(If verification has not yet started)