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Shortcut Key

Shortcut keys available in the editor.

UI CanvasSaveCtrl + SCommand + S
PreviewCtrl + Alt + PCtrl + Option + P
UndoCtrl + ZCtrl + Z
RedoCtrl + YCtrl + Y
CopyCtrl + CCommand + C
PasteCtrl + VCommand + V
CutCtrl + XCommand + X
Create a form app using the previous contentCtrl + Alt + UCtrl + Option + U
Action EditorSaveCtrl + SCommand + S
Return to Layout EditorCtrl + BCommand + B
CopyCtrl + CCommand + C
PasteCtrl + VCommand + V
CutCtrl + XCommand + X
Cursored row deletionCtrl + Shift + KCommand + Shift + K
Add a line below cursor lineCtrl + EnterCommand + Enter
Add a line above cursor lineCtrl + Shift + EnterCommand + Shift + Enter
Copy cursor line downAlt + Shift + DownOption + Shift + Down
Copy cursor line upAlt + Shift + UpOption + Shift + Up
Move cursor line downAlt + DownOption + Down
Move cursor line upAlt + UpOption + Up
Move to the next corresponding bracketCtrl + Shift + \ (Backslash)Command + Shift + \ (Backslash)
Add indentation to linesCtrl + ]Command + ]
Remove line indentationCtrl + [Command + [
Move to the beginning of the lineHomeFn + left arrow
Move to end of lineEndFn + right arrow
Move to specified lineCtrl + GCtrl + G
Go to the designated symbolCtrl + Shift + OCommand + Shift + O
SearchCtrl + FCommand + F
ReplaceCtrl + HOption + Command + F
Search NextF3F3
Current Row SelectionCtrl + LCommand + L
Select all matches in the selectionCtrl + Shift + LCommand + Shift + L
Show Code AssistCtrl + SpaceOption + Esc
Format the codeAlt + Shift + FOption + Shift + F
Line comment and releaseCtrl + /Command + /
Rename variableF2F2
Property DialogApplyCtrl + Alt + ACommand + Ctrl + A
ToolbarDebug DeployCtrl + Alt + DCtrl + Option + D
Release DeployCtrl + Alt + RCtrl + Option + R