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App Library

App Library is a service that allows users to share application definitions and other information to create app site.
Shared app sites can import applications to their own environment.

App site list

Clicking [App Library] from the side menu will display a list of app sites.
You can view details about an app site by selecting it from the list.


You can filter the list of app sites displayed in the list by app type from the [Filter] icon in the upper right corner of the header.
There are three options: desktop, mobile, RESTAPI, and display all.


You can choose to display the list in grid or list format using the Layout icon in the top right of the header.

You can search for the app site from the [Search] icon in the top right corner of the list.
You can search for app site names and description summaries.

Public settings

Public settings can be configured for the app site to be uploaded. There are four types of public settings

Public settingsPublic Scope
PublicApp site viewable by all users
GroupApp site viewable by specified users only
PrivatePrivate app site
EditSelf-created app site

App Site Details

By selecting an app site from the list of app sites, users can move to the app site details screen.
On the app site, an overview of the shared application can be confirmed.
Check the usage of the application, additional files, etc., and export or check out the application for use in the development environment.


Check out refers to adding an app definition published on the app site to your own list of applications.
To check out an app from the app site to the user’s development environment, follow the steps below.

  1. Select the app site from the list of app sites that you wish to check out.
  2. Click the [Checkout] button in the upper right corner.
    Enter information in the “App ID” and “App Label” fields in the dialog and click the “Checkout” button.


Export app definitions and Additional Resources from the app site.

  1. Select the app site that you want to check out from the list of app libraries.
  2. Click the [Export] icon in the upper right corner.
  3. An archived zip file will be exported.


Users can view a list of app sites that they have configured to be public.
Users can also edit app sites, such as creating app sites and setting them to be open to users.


The procedure for creating an app site is as follows.

  1. Select "Edit" from the top menu on the App Site List screen.
  2. Click the “Add” button in the upper right corner and select “New”.
  3. Enter information in the “Site Name” field in the dialog and click the “Add” button.
  4. Enter the site property information.
Property NameRequiredInactiveDescription
Site IDGUID that is unique within the app library.
Site VersionThis value sets the version of the site. 1.0 is entered by default. Maximum 10 characters
Site NameName identifying the site. Maximum 64 characters
AuthorAllows you to set the creator name of the site. Maximum 64 characters
  1. Attach the app definition file to be registered on the site.
Property NameInactiveDescriptionDescription
Definitions fileThis is the app definition to be registered on the site.GUID that is unique within the app library.
App IDID of the app definition to be registered. The information is automatically output when the app is attached.This value sets the version of the site. 1.0 is entered by default. Maximum 10 characters
App LabelThis is the label for the app definition to be registered. The information is automatically output when the app is attached.Name identifying the site. Maximum 64 characters
App TypeThe app type of the app definition to be registered. The information is automatically output when the app is attached.Allows you to set the creator name of the site. Maximum 64 characters
  1. Attach any additional files to the site if needed. Upload any files needed to make the app work, such as images used in the app, SQL for the DB, etc.
Property NameAvailable file types
Additional Resources
  • zip
  • text
  • txt
  • doc
  • docx
  • xls
  • xlsx
  • ppt
  • pptx
  • ico
  • jpg
  • jpeg
  • png
  • gif
  • webp
  • svg
  • bmp
  • tiff
  • xml
  • dat
  • log
  • sql
  • pdf
  • csv
  • htm
  • html
  • md
  • json
  • ts
    1. Enter detailed information about the site.
    Property NameDescription
    SummaryDescribe the summary that will be displayed on the app site listing screen. Maximum 160 characters
    DescriptionDescribe the description displayed on the application site details screen. Maximum 1000 characters
    CategoryRegister category for your application site. Maximum 160 characters
    Sub CategoryRegister subcategory for your application site. Maximum 160 characters
    TagsRegister tag information for the app site. Up to 10 tags can be registered.
    1. Enter Creatives information.
    Property NameDescription
    App IconYou can upload an icon image to be displayed on the card on the app site. The size will be 64 x 64px.
    Card ImageYou can upload images to be displayed on the application site list. Up to one image can be registered. The maximum size per file is 10 MB.
    Carousel imageYou can upload images to be displayed on the application site detail screen. Up to 10 images can be registered. The maximum size of each file is 10 MB.
    Property NameAvailable File Types
    App Icon
  • ico
  • jpg
  • jpeg
  • png
  • gif
  • Card Image
  • jpg
  • jpeg
  • png
  • gif
  • webp
  • svg
  • bmp
  • tiff
  • Carousel Images
  • jpg
  • jpeg
  • png
  • gif
  • webp
  • svg
  • bmp
  • Tiff
    1. Perform Carousel Settings.
    Property NameAvailable File Types
    Auto SlideOn the app site details screen, users can select whether to automatically slide the carousel image.
    Slide SecondsAllows you to determine how long it takes for the carousel image to slide.
    Minimum value: 1 second
    Maximum value: 60 seconds
    Image Per CarouselSelect the number of images to be displayed per carousel.
    Minimum value:1
    Maximum value: 2
    Aspect RatioAllows you to select the aspect ratio of the image to be displayed.
    1. Set the public scope to the app site. Set the public scope. The following three options are available.
    PublicApp site for all users to view
    GroupApp site that can be viewed only by specific users specified at the time of pre-site creation. When Private is selected the user table will be displayed.
    1. Click the “+Add” link
    2. Enter information in the “User Nickname” and “User Email Address” fields in the dialog and click the “Add” button.
    The number of users that can be added to a group is 100.
    PrivatePrivate App Site
    1. Check the card preview. The card preview allows you to see the card design as it will appear on the application site.

    2. Click the “Save” button in the upper right corner.


    The following procedure is for replacing app definitions on the app site.

    1. Select “Edit” from the top of the menu on the App Site List screen.
    2. Click on the app site to check out from the list of app sites.
    3. Click the “Trash” icon in the app site definition file properties.
    4. Reattach the app site definition file.
    5. Click the “Save” button in the upper right corner.


    The following procedure is for deleting an app site.

    1. Select “Edit” from the top of the menu on the App Site List screen.
    2. Click the “Menu” icon of the application site you wish to check out from the list of app sites.
    3. Click the “Delete” button in the menu.
    4. Click the “Delete” button in the dialog.


    To export an app site, follow the steps below.

    1. Select “Edit” from the top of the menu on the app site list screen.
    2. Click the “Menu” icon of the app site you wish to check out from the list of app sites.
    3. Click the “Export” button in the menu.


    Exported app sites can be imported.

    1. Select “Edit” from the top of the menu on the App Site List screen.
    2. Click the “Add” button in the upper right corner of the menu.
    3. Click the “Import” button in the menu.
    4. Select the app site definition file from the dialog box and execute the upload.